Wellness ie swastha in Ayurveda is defined as a state of equipoise in physiological, physical and mental functions achieved through the act of observing certain habits or way of life on daily /seasonal basis for a perfect health .It help attain an inherent  strength to protect the system from any sort of illnesses and to rejuvenate the inner potency  to greater height.

Wellness is the buzzword of the future generations .

Ayurveda epitomises the highest level of wellness solutions through the daily and seasonal routines and regimens. Sreepadam offers very personalised wellness programes under the supervision of the masters in Ayurveda.

Our speciality –Only after the evaluation procedures we suggest the most suitable programme.


1.Evaluation of Prakruthi .(Body constitution)

2.Evaluation of Srothus.(Channels in the system)

3.Evaluation of Doshas.(Three humors)

4.Evaluation of Agni (Bio fire)

5.Evaluation of Pulse.

6.and more …


This exercise give the clear state of physical ,physiological and psychic condition of the individual and programe is designed accordingly.This provides an indepth analysis of each and every system more than any investigative technique in order to arrive into a conclusion.


1.Daily regimens

Consists of Classes ,demonstrations ,yoga ,Ayurvedic kitchen and exercises.

Cleansing of sensory organs like  1.Murdhathailam(Applying medicated oil on head),2.Netra prakshalanam(washing of eyes and instilling of medicated drops in eyes,3.Karna prakshalanam(washing and instilling of medicated preparations in ears,)4.Nasa sudhi (nasal application of medicines)5.Vadana sudhi(Medicated mouth wash and dental cleansing using medicines.)

Cleansing of External Physical body like 1.Abhyanga(Application of medicated oil over body along with massage)2.Alepana(application of herbal paste over body),Dhara(pouring of herbal decoctions over body in a particular manner)..


This involves a series of procedures to be performed in a individual with utmost care and medical attention. This help purify the internal system by draining  the biological wastes from tissue spaces to GIT and thereafter gets expelled by means of specific procedures. This help maintain the wellness of the body, mind and intellect.

Cleansing of internal systems like 1.Sodhana(detox ie purification procedures lincluding  pre detox procedure followed by vamana-induced emesis,virechana-induced purgation,Nasya-nasal application ,Vasthi-medicated enema),



The most fascinating area of wellness is the proper diet and exercise. Ayurveda proposes the traditional , nutritive and the food mostly  accepted by the body temperament. That which are not properly accepted by the body get rejected and form a type of metabolic waste to be eliminated. Otherwise it causes disease process in our system.

Food habits like

1.Food to be slightly warm and fresh,2.Avoid dry and old food,3.avoid reheating of food,4.Half of stomach  to be filled with food.5.Take food only after feeling hunger.6.Avoid incompatible food combinations.7.concentrate only on food while eating.8.Shouldnt eat so speedly or so slowly.

Take a second meal only after getting digested the first meal . Avoid over eating and frequent meals. Food should contain all the 6 tastes. Like sweet, sour, salt, bitter, pungent, and astringent . This is the balanced diet according to Ayurveda and these tastes are connected to dosha(humors) and dhatus(body tissues) in building up the wellness and even it nourishes the mind and intellect.



Days                                Particulars No of items
1 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Nasyam (Nasal application)

2 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Nasyam (Nasal application),face massage

3 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Head massage ,face massage



Total Price    Rs .9500.00 (Includes  the accommodation and food)



This package is exclusively intended for rejuvenating the senses and cleansing the colon , thereby creating a refreshing mood to the individual..This is especially much useful to those who work in computers and workaholic persons to much rejuvenate the sensual faculties.


Days                                Particulars No of items
1 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application),Face massage .

2 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application),face massage

3 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Nasya(Nasal application),,face massage

4 Abhyangam (Oil massage),Karnapooranam(instilling medicated oil in ear) Netra bindu(Corelium)       3
5 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),Nethra kshalanam(washing eye with medicinal water),Netra bindu(Corelium)       2
6 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),Mouth wash &Gargling with medicinal water. Traditional Steam applying over body. Netra bindu(Corelium)       4
7 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),

Virechana(Purgation- colon cleansing) ,


Total Price    Rs .24750.00 (Includes accommodation and food)



This is the most comprehensive detox procedure clubbing with sense rejuvenation , much ideal for those who are workaholic and physically weak people to rejuvenate instantly. As this package includes the classical Panchakarma procedure –Vasthi (Purification procedure) it produces almost total cleansing of the systems.

Days                                Particulars No of items
1 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application),Face massage .

2 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application),face massage

3 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Nasya(Nasal application),,face massage

4 Abhyangam (Oil massage),Karnapooranam(instilling medicated oil in ear) Netra bindu(Corelium)       3
5 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),Nethra kshalanam(washing eye with medicinal water),Netra bindu(Corelium)       2
6 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),Mouth wash &Gargling with medicinal water. Traditional Steam applying over body. Netra bindu(Corelium)       4
7 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),

Virechana(Purgation- colon cleansing) ,

8 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),

Siro Thalam(Medicinal paste over vertex),Nasyam

9 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),SiroThalam(Medicinal paste over vertex), Netra bindu(Corelium)       3
10 Abhyangam(Oilmassage),Vasthi(detox-decoction enema) Netra bindu(Corelium)        3



Total Price    Rs. 35000.00 (Includes accommodation and food)



This particular package focuses on head and sense organs to relieve the stress , anxiety and sleep problems. This time tested procedures are classical procedures and have been in practice since many centuries. Considering the condition instead of Takra(buttermilk) , medicated oil also could be used )


Days                                Particulars No of items
1 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application),. Netra bindu(Corelium)

2 Abhaynagam (Oil massage),

Nasyam (Nasal application), Netra bindu(Corelium

3 Abhaynagam (Oil massage)

Nasya(Nasal application),, Netra bindu(Corelium

4 Abhyangam(Oil massage) ,Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya       3
5 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), ,Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya       3
6 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya       3
7 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya,


8 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya


9 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya


10 Abhyangam(Oilmassage), Takra Dhara (Pouring medicated buttermilk over fore head) Nasya




Total Price    Rs. 37500.00 (Includes accommodation and food)