Panchakarma Treatment


The ultimate purification and rejuvenation of the systems through the most classical manner with zero error in procedures being conducted here.

Panchakarma treatment is the fivefold purification procedures to eliminate the vitiated doshas and is considered supreme treatment in the management of number of chronic ailments.This is otherwise a process of detoxification of the systems in order to keep up the purity and freshness of the mind and body in its real sense.

Modern lifestyle is so fast and hectic that there is very limited scope for relaxation and to purify the systems properly lack of physical activity, consumption of unhealthy foods, too much mental stress, and habits such as smoking or drinking alcohol are responsible for increasing toxin levels in the body which cause serious health problems such as diabetes, heart diseases, increased cholesterol etc… Regular elimination of toxins help prevent the risk of these illnesses and panchakarma is one of the best to do this procedure.

Ayurveda has mainly two modes of treatment namely Shamana (Pacifying) and Shodhana (Purification). Any disease is caused due to the imbalance of the tridoshas (three humors) in our body. Shamana is the method of pacifiying the doshas in the body without eliminating them. While Sodhana is a superior method of treatment where the excess vitiated doshas are eliminated from the body thereby clearing the srotus (channels). This method is fast, effective and removes the disease from its roots and prevents reoccurrence. It has been found out that shodhana helps in removing the toxins and clears the channels inside our body and even the mind.

There are pre requisite procedures (Poorva karma) to facilitate the movement of toxins from the tissues(Dhatus)to the GIT without which the treatments would remove only the toxins available in the Gastro intestinal tract and would have little/no impact on the lodged toxins in the Dhatus.

Poorva krmas include,
1.Dipana(Enhancing the Agni –Bio fire)
2.Paachana(Digestive medication0
3.Snehana(Internal and external oleation)

Among the above , Snehana and Swedana are essential to the success of Panchakarma-deep cleansing. These procedures help transport the accumulated vitiated doshas to the koshta(alimentary tract) and there after the cleansing procedures and administred in a systematic controlled manner taking care of all the parameters prescribed in the classics.

Snehana consists of external oil application like Abhyanga(oil massage0and consumption of herbal medicated ghee internally in a gradually increasing doses day by day to achieve the optimum levelof saturation of internal oleation for a period of 5-7 days.

Swedana consists of various procedures to cause sweatIsudation therapy0there by help dilate the bodily channels(srotas) so that transporting of toxins from tissuesis easily achieved.The application of heat over body also reduces the stiffness, heaviness and sticky nature of phlegm /aama/toxins which inhibits the flow of these substances .

Aacharya Charaka states that the panchakarma normalizes the metabolism, optimizes the functioning of all senses, mind, intelligence and complexion. It is the prime treatments for various chronic ailments, increase virility and discards the complications of old age. Prevents the reoccurrence of diseases once cured and creates absolute health .

Particular Dietic regimen ie Samsarjana karma, is advocated during the post panchakarma procedure which are essential to achieve the normal physiological functions in the body. Practice of celibacy to be followed and exposure to extreme cold /hot environments and physical exertion are to be avoided.

Shodhana can be achieved by fivefold therapy called as Panchakarma. These are:
1. Vamana (Medicated Emesis)
2. Virechana (Medicated Purgation)
3. Basti (Medicated Enema)
4. Nasya (Medicated Errhine therapy)
5. Raktamoksha (Blood letting)

This is the method of elimination of doshas from the upper orifice of the alimentary canal i.e. mouth. This is the usually done in conditions of vitiation of predominantly Kaphadosha. Clinically it is found to be very effective in the management of Psoriasis, Asthma, Chronic cough, Goiter, Obesity etc… Vamana therapy is to be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor. The patient is prepared for the procedure by the way of a planned intake of medicated ghee or oil in a daily basis. Then he/she is subjected to the procedure of Vamana. It is followed by a planned diet for a stipulated period of time.

Virechana is the method of elimination of doshas from the lower part of the alimentary canal i.e. anus. This is preferred in conditions of vitiated pitta dosha. Clinically it is found to be effective in the management of various Skin diseases, Diabetes, Asthma, Gout, Rheumatic arthritis, Gynaec disorders, Seminal disorders, Constipation, Oedema etc… This procedure is to be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor. The patient is prepared for the procedure by the way of a planned intake of medicated ghee or oil in a daily basis. Then he/she is subjected to the procedure of Virechana. It is followed by a planned diet for a stipulated period of time.

This is the method of administration of medicated oils or decoction through the anal route. This is preferred mainly in the conditions of vitiated vatadosha. But it is also good for all the three doshas when used judiciously. Clinically it is found to be effective in a vast array of diseases. It is very effective in diseases affecting nervous system, Locomotor system, various Systemic disorders etc… This procedure is to be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Mainly there are two types of basti namely KashayaBasti (with decoction) and Snehabasti (Medicated Oil enema). This is the superior most method of Panchakarma which can be done to any patient or for any disease. A third variety of basti is also present which is known as Uttarabasti where the medicine is introduced into the urethra for both sexes and into the uterus through vaginal canal for females. This is adopted mainly for infertility issues faces by both sexes. The doctor decides which basti is to be done to which patient according to the personalized analysis.

This is the method of administration of medicines through the nasal route. Nose is the best method to access interior of head; therefore medicines introduced in here are good for diseases which have head or brain as its origin. Different medicines, oils, decoctions may be introduced into the nasal canal according to the disease and patient. Clinically it is found to be effective in the management of different types of Headache, stiffness of head and shoulders, Bells palsy, Stroke, Insomnia etc… This procedure is to be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Different doses may be fixed by the doctor and given to the patient at a stipulated time. Nasya helps in strengthening, pacifying or elimination of doshas in upper parts of the body.

Raktamoksha is the method of blood letting. This is done when it is considered that rakta (blood) is vitiated and is required to be purified. Various skin diseases mainly have their base in raktha. Clinically it is found to be very effective in different skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, varicose vein etc… It is done with the help of leeches, pricking needles, surgical blades etc… Suitable method of bloodletting is done according to the condition of the diseases and patient. It is to be done by an experienced doctor only.