K P Kumarakurup

a doyen in the field of Ayurveda and specialist in vishachikitsa (Ayurvedic toxicology) had born on 19th May 1910 studied Sanskrit and Ayurveda for several years. He started his own Ayurveda clinic “Bharathavaidyasala” in 1929 which later on flourished into a network of branches in and outside Kerala. In an early period while Ayurveda was catching up as a marketable business in and outside Kerala his venture turned out to be hugely successful. He obtained an award for his outstanding contributions in vishachikitsa from the then Maharaja of Cochin. Apart from his excellence in toxicology he showed exceptional talent in general medicine and paediatrics. His socio-political affiliations were also so deep rooted that he was well-regarded by the then stalwarts and kept a lasting relationship. His younger daughter K K Lethakumari got married to Dr. K.Sasidharan.


How following a bit of Ayurveda can help you stay healthy

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